Thursday, July 21, 2011

Maybelline family rollin' in suburbs 1960s style..

1962, was all about heavily made up, Breakfast at Tiffany's Eye's and Audrey Hepburn Up-Do's, even in the suburbs.

                                                Maybelline Ad in 1962.

Sharrie Williams in 1962, at 15, with first long stem roses from a boy.  Little home maker in a ruffled apron.  At least the hair and makeup was right on!
A couple of my favorite little guys, my little brother Preston Williams, sitting on Daddy's T-Bird,

and my little cousin Jimmy Williams (Noel Allen's son) relaxing by his pool with Frenchie the poodle.

While Unk Ile was in Bel Air spinning dreams for the family's future, we led normal everyday lives in the burbs during the 1960's.  Now, the 70's would be another story, but you'll have to read The Maybelline Story and the Spirited Family Dynasty Behind It to catch all the action after the Maybelline Company sold in Dec. 1967.

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