Maybelline, Bi-Centennial Wedding of the Year, 1976.

Noel and Jean Williams give their daughter Nancy, the Wedding of the Year, at their Maybeck estate in Montecito California.

The Noel A. Williams family:  Anne, Chuck, their Nana, Alberta Kilroy, Paul and Nancy Williams-Clark, Noel A., Jean and Jim. The Bride and Groom were married under this giant Monterey Pine, dripping with hanging baskets filled with yellow roses. 

Here is a picture of my father, Bill Williams with the Mother of the Bride, Jean Williams.

Noel Allen and his cousin Bill were like brothers.

Bill Williams with Bill Box and his girlfriend, standing next to George Huber on the side.

Father of the Bride dancing with his daughter, before she leaves on her honeymoon.

Here I am with my cousin Nancy 35 years later, still as devoted as ever.  Check out Nancy's comment in The Maybelline Story under, What People Are Saying About The Book!!

Nancy's Wedding marked the height of the Bi-Centennial year, that summer in 1976, and was a turning point for the entire family as Tom Lyle grew weaker everyday, with only weeks to live.  It was a bitter sweet time, knowing everything we had or ever hoped to have, came from the most generous, kindest adored man in  our lives.

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