More vintage Maybelline Christmas pictures.

            Christmas past continued!!!

Christmas 1965, Evelyn Williams, Nana, my dad, Bill, me, and Unk Ile,
 (TL Williams.)

Unk Ile and Nana, 1966.

Sharrie, Bill, Unk Ile, Billee, my mother, Pauline, Donna and Nana, Christmas, 1967.

Bill, Vince Aiken, Charlie Lewis as Santa, my mother, Pauline and Billee, 1967.

Debby Angel, Preston as Santa, and Billee, 1968.

 Christmas, 1969, Lido Isle, Newport Beach, California.

Nana at my dad's home in Palm Springs, California, 1973.

My Baby Georgia, with Santa, 1978.

Stay tuned tomorrow for some vintage Christmas pictures, from my Cousin, Chuck Williams, aka, Beach Boy 1, family album.

Chuck and I will be going to the Barrett Jackson Classic Car Auction, between Jan 15 - 22.  We will also be bringing you pictures and video's, of Tom Lyle's, 1940 Packard convertible, which has been located after 60 years, in Orange County California.  Needless to say, we are over-the-top, excited to see the car and know you will be too!!!

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