Gatsbyesque Wedding at Bernard Maybeck estate, in 1976

Bernard Maybeck estate creates the perfect setting for a nostalgic Great Gatsby Wedding. 

Built in 1915 for the Ambassador of England, Noel A. and Jean Williams bought the Maybeck estate in 1968, and gave the Wedding of the year for their daughter Nancy in 1976.  Here is a picture of Nancy's brother,
 Chuck Williams, aka, BB1, with Sloop John B, in 1971.

Chuck, Williams, Sloop John B, and Nancy Williams, 1971, in one of the many gardens surrounding the Bernard Maybeck estate.

The most romantic, garden Wedding of 1976.

Chuck, ushers his mother, Jean Williams down the isle.

The Bride, Nancy Williams now Mrs. Paul Clark.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark on the dance floor.

Nancy's uncle, Bill Williams with Nancy Williams Clark,  

Bill Williams, future wife, Gloria Rosan, 
John Williams-Huber and Bill Williams.

Maybeck made generous use of exposed beams, unpainted finish, huge fireplaces and clerestory windows. Above all else he loved redwood; 

he had also a strong feeling for concrete. Using his materials with great craftsmanship, at the same time he took full advantage of technology.


Maybeck believed, as did his internationally famous contemporary, Frank Lloyd Wright, that the home should blend in with the natural landscape that surrounds it.

Throughout Maybeck's life his great wish was to be understood by the man in the street and to give him a sense of delight.

Bernard Maybeck, like so many entrepreneur's, of the early 20th century, were simple men with enormous creativity and larger than life vision. 
A few come to mind, including:  

Tom Lyle Williams - Maybelline,

Erte - design and fashion,
Flo Ziegfeld - Follies 
F.Scott Fitzgerald novels,
especially, The Great Gatsby.
Read more about the family that brought you Maybelline, in The Maybelline Story and the Spirited Family Dynasty Behind it.

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