There was so much more to...Edie Sedgwick and her family... than just Andy Warhol.
Edie: American girl: When Edie was first published, it quickly became an international best-seller and then took its place among the classic books about the 1960s.
In January 1965, Edie was introduced to Andy Warhol, one of the new gods of Pop Art
Edie: American girl: When Edie was first published, it quickly became an international best-seller and then took its place among the classic books about the 1960s.
Factory Girl is a 2006 American biographical film based on the life of 1960s underground film star, socialite, and Warhol Superstar Edie Sedgwick. The film premiered in Los Angeles on December 29, 2006
Edie Sedgwick had 7 brother's and sisters and not all of them wound up being mentally ill, drug addicts and alcoholics, like the press likes to make the Sedgwick family out to be. Edie's brother, Jonathan Sedgwick, (seen here with his wife Anne and their three children, Shane, Dustin and Hana-Lee, in 1985,) has remained one of the most brilliant, grounded, loving and encouraging husbands and fathers, I've ever known. Jonathan and Anne's children have grown up to be well balanced, college educated and successfulI in their own right, because their parents never pushed them to be anything other, than who they really are.
Johathan and his daughter Hana-Lee at the premier of Factory Girl in 2006. I'm proud to say that Hana-Lee Sedgwick is my goddaughter. Her mother, Anne and I go way back to when she was married to my cousin Chuck Williams, aka, BB1 in the early 1970's and I have remained close to her and Jonathan for over 30 years.
With all the hype out there about the Sedgwicks, I have to say, Jonathan is nothing like the way his sister Edie has been portrayed in her book and movie. His personal story, growing up on the ranch in Santa Barbara is so fascinating - I hope a publisher comes along and picks it up for what I'm sure would be a
best seller.
Trailer for Factory Girl.
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