The Beach Boys 50 year reunion tour
 is under way and will be playing at
 the Santa Barbara Bowl May 28th. 
 With all the excitement going on,
 I just can't help but reflect on 
their 1983, Spirit of America Tour
           30 years ago.      

Chuck Williams aka BB1, Sharrie and Gene
 at The Beach Boys Spirit of America
 tour in 1983. The reason we didn't have to wear
 our backstage passes, is because
 when we're with Chuck, we didn't need to.

 The Capitol Years, was a Beach Boys box set, only available as an import in the United States for $99.99. However, Chuck aka BB1, called his old friend, Mike Love, who arranged for him to be the first to have it. 

The Spirit of America Tour  came to the Orange County Fair Grounds in August of 1983 and since Gene and I lived in Laguna Beach at the time, Mike sent 3 backstage passes to Chuck...  It was an intimate setting after the concert, with a catered dinner and drinks and I have to say that when Mike Love took my hand and looked at me with those intense blue eyes, I developed a little
crush on him.   

Chuck and Gene each bought a Beach Boy cap at the concert and from what I remember, wore it everywhere.

Gene in his classic 1983 Spirit of America 
Beach Boy cap, singing, Caroline No.

I don't know what ever happened to Gene's t-shirt, but I know Chuck still has his in pristine condition and pulls it out for special occasions.

This one too, is a classic, still hanging around and I bet if you live in Santa Barbara you might
 catch Chuck wearing it while cruising in his Cobra.

I will never forget Dennis Wilson singing FOREVER, that warm California August night and tears filled my eyes, truly believing Gene felt the same way about me.

Mike Love and Bruce Johnston really getting down .

Four months after the Spirit of America concert... on December 28th, 1983, Dennis Wilson drowned while diving from a friend's boat, trying to recover items he had previously thrown overboard in fits of rage.  We were shocked and heart broken to say the least. His solo project Pacific Ocean Blue was released a couple of years ago and now a movie is being made. 

With the upcoming 50th Anniversary tour and album, it's appropriate to pay tribute to one of the founding members of the band.  R.I.P. Dennis!

    Dennis Wilson singing Forever, on the bottom, 1971.

The Drummer. A new movie being made about Dennis Wilson  follows the last six years of his life, leading up to his death in 1983. 

I know Chuck will be at the Santa Barbara Bowl concert next week and will take pictures for me to post, so stay tuned for more fun, fun, fun stories about Chuck aka BB1 and the Beach Boys live.

Check out a couple of posts I have done on Dennis Wilson and the Beach Boys, just click on links below.

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