Our Darling "Diddy" rests in the arms of the Angels.

              Marilyn Frances Williams - Haines 
                                 1927 - 2012

                                                  Family Chain
We little knew that morning, God was going to call your name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, You did not go alone. For part of us went with you.  The day God called you home.

June, Bob, Ches, Eva and Marilyn Haines.

You left us beautiful memories, Your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you,  You are always at our side. Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same, But as God calls us one by one. The chain will link again.
The Cousins in 1934.....right to left....Tom Lyle Williams Jr holding baby Joyce Hewes, Helen Williams, Annette Williams, Bill Williams, Noel Williams, June Haines, Shirley Hewes, Marilyn Haines, Tommy Hewes,
 Dick Williams, Bob Haines.

June and Marilyn Haines.
Tony Williams-Shaver with Marilyn.

Marilyn with Tony

Marilyn with her parents Eva and Ches Haines.

June, Bob and Marilyn.
At The Villa Valentino, Eva, June Tom Lyle and Marilyn...in the pool, Ches and Bob
Eva and Marilyn.
Bob and Jackie Haines, Dick and Marilyn Westhouse, John and June Gary, Eva Haines, David, Jerry Westhouse with June and John's,
 daughter Kathy.
Eva, Marilyn and Tom Lyle Williams,
 at his home in Bel Air California.
Bobby Westhouse, Tom Lyle Williams, Marilyn and John Gary, Lori and Cindy Gary in Bel Air.
Eva and Marilyn with Marilyn's grandchildren.
The Haines family...Eva and Ches' 45th Wedding Anniversary, 1969.  Marilyn first on the left seated
 next to Jackie Haines.

Marilyn, Ann Louise and Shirley at the Family Reunion at Bob and Jackie's in Virginia, 1990.
John Gary, Gloria Williams, Jackie Haines, Marilyn Gary, Bill Williams, Bob Haines.  Family Reunion.

Marilyn and John's home in Virginia, the hub of family joy and Happiness for over 30 years.

This picture encapsulates everything Marilyn loved - family, animals, nature, and her home in Virginia.

 One other thing she loved was plants. Marilyn
 told Shirley it took her hours to water all the plants
 she kept in her huge home.  She was truly a nurturer.
 (Linda Hughes)

Be not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you

 the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full,
 I savored much, Good friends, good times a loved
 one's touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief;
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
 Lift up your heart and share with me--
 God wanted me now,
 God set me free.

Darling Marilyn Rest in Peace....

In the Arms of the Angels

      Marilyn Gary's Obituary

Marilyn Frances Gary, 83, of Natural Bridge, formerly of Chicago, died on Thursday, October 11th, 2012 at the Lexington Court Nursing Home in Richmond, Virginia.

She was born on April 11th, 1929, in Chicago, Illinois,

the daughter of the late Chester and Eva Haines. In
addition to her parents, Marilyn was preceded in death
by her beloved husband, John Gary.

Marilyn was a devoted and incredible wife, mother,
grandmother, and great grandmother. A lover of animals
and the environment, she took great pleasure in caring for her numerous dogs, cats, and horses as well as exploring the Shenandoah Valley. She spent a significant amount of time nurturing her environment by cleaning litter and
debris from roads, streams, and rivers - as well as caring
for the home she loved, Forest Oaks.

Surviving are Marilyn's six children, Jerry Westhouse,

David Westhouse, Kathy Obermaier, Robert Westhouse, Cindy Callaway and Lori Caveness; 17 grandchildren
and 11 great-grandchildren.

A mass of Christian burial will be conducted at 11 A.M.
on Saturday, October 20th, 2012 at St. Patrick's
Catholic Church by Father Joe D'Aurora. Burial will be at
High Bridge Presbyterian Church Cemetery,
 Natural Bridge.

  Marilyn's Eulogy

Good morning. My name is Andrew Westhouse – I am one of Marilyn Gary’s seventeen grandchildren. 


That is the word that comes to my mind – and always has – when I think about Nana and the kind of Grandmother that she was. Nana loved with everything that she had. Indeed, she loved with every fiber of her being.
And let me give you a few examples:

Nana loved adventure:

Visiting the Peaks of Otter and hiking to Sharp Top
Exploring Grey Ledge Climbing Indian Rock…and, if you were brave enough, sliding down the steep stream
And, of course, trips down the back road, in the truck, packed with kids and dogs

Nana loved nature:

Cleaning up garbage on the side of route 11 and side roads Cleaning sticks and rubbish in the stream leading to the pond Swimming and playing at the waterfall at the Foot Bridge.

Nana loved to cover her mouth after a slight….OR A GREAT…slip of the tongue:
Everyone can remember the famous Nana (cover mouth)

Nana loved animals:

Visiting the Cat House on the back road…and trying to make the water pump work

The Dogs – Shamus, Mata, Bridget, Anna, Kelsey, Inga

The Horses – Cricket, Sargent, Mimi, Blue, Finley, and, perhaps her favorite, Keatser

The Cats – Tiny Kitty, Prince Gary

…And about few hundred more…

Nana loved movies – however, there were two strings attached:

She had to have a big, soft paper napkin to put on the bridge of her nose to cushion the weight of her eye glasses

- AND –  

(2) No animal of any species may appear 
- at any point - in the movie.

Nana loved to:

Laugh, she loved Church, Forest Oaks, reading, the Palm Parlor, a Wendy’s frosty, white wine and cigarette on the portico after 5, Little House on the Prairie, and, let’s not forget, peanut butter – jelly – bologna – and mayonnaise sandwiches …


More than anything, Nana loved her family:
Jerry, Dave, Kathy, Bob, Cindy, Lori, 17 Grandkids, 11 great grandkids …and counting, and…not least of which, the love of her
life, Poppa…and, even with such a large roster to manage, she made everyone feel so special and so loved.

Nana also loved St. Francis of Assisi – the patron Saint of animals and ecology…two things that were so close to her heart. So it’s easy to see why these words, a prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, so embodied Nana:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
O divine master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life

Nana, we love YOU with all of our hearts and all of our souls.

We are blessed and better people for having known you, for having been touched by you, and, more than anything, for having been so deeply loved by you.  

Memories of Marilyn 

remember being amazed that Marilyn was very athletic, unlike the other ladies of her generation. As you know she loved riding horses, but I recall when we went 

to Mercer she water-skied. I especially remember because a ski came off and smashed into her leg leaving the biggest bruise I've ever seen,
 but she was very stoic about it. LLL  (Linda Hughes)

Here's Joyce's story:

When we grow up we often wish we had been closer as children with our relatives. But it usually doesn't work out that way. And as an adult Marilyn

 was such an exuberant person. I remember at the reunion at Bob and Jackie's house Marilyn just rushed me the moment I appeared on the scene.
 She was shrieking "Auntie Mabel, Auntie Mabel ".  She insisted I looked exactly like my mother. She flung herself at me and almost knocked me over
 in her excitementAfter greeting me, so to speak, that way she then dragged me around throughout the crowd yelling at the top of her lungs, as you know,
 "Look it's Auntie Mabel. Can you believe it? Can you believe it?!!" She was quite the character. Joyce Hewes

Here's Shirley's story:

Though Diddy and I seldom saw each other after she and John moved to Virginia we took great pleasure in long phone conversations, catching up on family news. We never lost our special connection. As young mothers Diddy and I took long walks with our first-born babies Janet and Jerry (the world's cutest) whose birthdays were one month apart. (Shirley Hughes)

Bill and his cousin June and Marilyn were best buddies and played house by throwing a sheet over the kitchen table and crawling underneath it with snacks
 from the pantry. Sharrie Williams

That was beautiful Sharrie. She was a very special gal. We will always remember zest for life. She was so dear to me always giving me a boost  when I needed it. RIP our dear Ditty.  (Jackie Haines)

Wonderful article about Marilyn!  She was so beautiful.  Who do I send condolences to?  (Donna Williams)

  • Steve Haines ...Perfect Sharrie, all my Love..............

    • Steve Haines How I will miss my "Favorite Aunt" there aren't enough words!!! She is now RIP with my Beautiful Grandparents in this photo. How I miss those days, but so Blessed that I/We had them, huh, cousins? Love You ALL!!!

    • Sharrie Williams - I miss all of them so much. The fun, the laughter the thrill of being part of an amazing family. I'm so glad another generation of cousins are keeping the memories alive. X0

    • Jacqueline Ann Haines love love love

    • Ann Carneros Love the picture and the blog. I have a great memory of visiting Marilyn and John in Virginia, we had such a great visit lots of laughs and memories! I really bonded with her after seeing her Santa collection! Ann L.
  • Andrew Westhouse... Thank you for your beautiful piece on Nana Sharrie - it means a great deal to all of us. With love

    Scott R. Williams God Bless all in this family. Had great memories growing up With Aunt Marilyn and Uncle John. Loved the house and view!

Thank you all so much for your kind words about Nana. Her Memorial Service wil
l be this upcoming Sat. - a week from today - (please contact me for information on Memorial Service.) The blog and stories will be such a good thing for everyone to see as we celebrate her life. Thank you Linda and Sharrie - please give everyone
 my love, Andrew Westhouse

Watch this beautiful video of Marilyn's life, created by her son Jerry Westhouse


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