Phoenix Art Museum...100 years of Maybelline...Sharrie Williams

I was delighted to be invited to speak at the beautiful, Phoenix Art Museum, hosted by the Arizona Costume Institute on September 11, 2013.  After several months working with Ronna Beeson, ACI Program Chair  2013 -2014, The Maybelline Story kicked of the Fall Season
 with a colorful, entertaining  successful event.

100 Years of Maybelline
 Maybelline descendant and author of The Maybelline Story, Sharrie Williams will reveal through vintage ads and family photos why women love their cosmetics. Book signing to follow; book available in the Museum store. Tickets for optional lunch available.

Close to 100 people attended an elegant buffet luncheon.

Ronna Beeson and Sharrie Williams finally meet, after months of emailing and detailing the engagement.

My beautiful daughter Georgia, on the left, took pictures
 and video taped some of my presentation.

A packed Lecture Hall, included journalist, students of fashion as well as interested Art Museum members and non-members who read about it in the paper.

My 45 minute presentation was filled with interesting facts, funny anecdotes and priceless vintage Maybelline ads and family photos.  As an Award Winning Toastmaster and professional speaker, I believe my audience enjoyed it all.  

After the presentation, I signed books. 

It was wonderful hearing how people have used Maybellilne since they were kids and now want to know more about the history of the company, as well as Tom Lyle Williams.

My collection of Vintage Maybelline products from 1915 to 1970, were displayed in a covered Lucite case.   

Sharrie Williams in a vintage Ralph Lauren, pale pink double breasted Silk-Linen pantsuit, with Jan Herwick, President of Arizona Costume Institute.

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