Enjoy this Rich, Decadent Dessert Recipe...A Dark-Chocolate Extravaganza and a Maybelline Family, Favorite Holiday treat.

Taken directly from my Great Auntie Frances A. Williams, personal cookbook, this Chocolate Icebox Desert, takes you back to a time when the word diet wasn't a household word. 

This is actually quite funny.  Watch as I almost ruin my Great Auntie Frances recipe on Television and keep going.


3 – 8 oz packages of Bakers German sweet chocolate

3 eggs

1 pint whipping cream

1 ¼ Tbsp. Vanilla

3 Tbsp. Powdered sugar

2 boxes of Social Tea Biscuits

Melt chocolate in double boiler.

Separate eggs, beat yolks with sugar,

Beat egg whites and add-

Add vanilla.

Add ½ pint whipped cream, (save ½ pint for topping.)

Line loaf pan with cookies.

Add layer of chocolate mixture.

Continue layering cookies and chocolate mixture, ending

with chocolate.

Store in refrigerator and slice and serve with whipped 


Be sure to visit my Hilarious new blog, called Saffrons Rule at   http://saffronsrule.com/

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