Just signed with Italia Gandolfo, of Gandolfo Helin Literary Management for three more books

2015 marks Maybelline New York's 100 year Anniversary, with roots going back to my family and Great uncle, Tom Lyle Williams in 1915.  To commemorate this momentous occasion, I plan to write a second book in celebration of Maybelline's monumental success, as Advertising and Marketing Moguls.

On July 4th, after watching a magnificent fireworks display, I signed a contract with Italia Gandolfo, of   

Gandolfo Helin Literary Management

Italia Gandolfo is the founder of GH Literary, Héladé Productions, and Gryphon Gate International. She has over 20 years’ experience in media between a “big four” Hollywood Talent & Literary Agency, Publishing, PR/Advertising and Film in Los Angeles and New York. She began her career in the entertainment industry at Creative Artists Agency (CAA) during the tenure of Founder/CEO, Michael Ovitz. She researched classified projects while coordinating and assembling development information (domestic and foreign) for talent agents, writers, directors, producers, actors etc., and was in charge of the agency’s library of confidential screenplays and manuscripts.

How this came about:

  After 3 1/2 years of daily blogging, Twittering and Facebooking, I received a Tweet from Producer and Actress, Sandra Milliner, suggesting I hook up with Women in Film, for a possible Maybelline Presentation. 

 Sandra, connected me with Michele the Trainer, a Celebrity Personal Trainer, who knows anybody who's anybody, (so to speak.) in LA, and she introduced me to Italia Gandolfo.

Italia Gandolfo, understood me and we agreed on a Coffee Table Book, showing all the beautiful vintage Maybelline ads and family photos for the 100 year event.  I asked her to contact Maybelline New York to see if they'd endorse the project and she agreed it was a great idea.  So after a month of talking, emailing and texting, I finally felt comfortable and in sync, knowing I have the best representation possible.  We also plan on producing two additional books, which include my Saffrons Rule 1964 High School Diary and my Life Story.

Social Media is an incredible marketing tool.  There is no possible way I would have made these valuable contacts without it.  You can start a business with just an idea and with Social Media Marketing make it a worldwide success.

Be sure to visit my 1964 High School Diary Blog Saffrons Rule at saffronsrule.com

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