Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Past with some of my Maybelline Family Cousins

Cousin Ann Louise Williams-Corbett, with Jimmy, Nancy, Chuck and and their father, Noel A. Williams, Christmas 1961.

Noel A. Williams Christmas, 1967.

Chuck Williams BB1, 1967

Chuck and his mother, Jean Williams, Christmas, 1970.

Some of my Maybelline cousins.  Top row, Ann Louise Williams-Corbett, Christine Williams-Huber, Nancy Williams, Chuck Williams, James Williams-Huber, Julee Williams-Huber, Jimmy Williams.  Christmas, Montecito,  California, 1970.

Nancy and Chuck Williams with cousin Ann Louise Williams-Corbett, 1970.

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Sharrie Williams, Author

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 Sharrie Williams, Author


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