Ultra Chic English Speaking Mall in Cambodia and Viet Nam features Maybelline New York

American  Mall  in Cambodia
 A friend of mine sent me these pictures while traveling in Cambodia and Viet Nam.  She knew I'd be impressed seeing such elaborate  high tech Maybelline displays in Third World Countries  and, I have to say it's hard to believe.

This is what I think of when I think of
 Cambodia.  Agriculture is the dominant economic
 factor, with growth averaging 6 percent in the
 last decade. I guess no matter what, girls all over the
 world want that Maybelline Glamour.

Maybelline display in Viet Nam

Because both countries are having strong growth in textiles, construction, garments, and tourism, there increased
 foreign investment and international trade.

Maybelline Billboard in New York City.

Soon, we might expect Cambodia and Viet Nam
 to look like this 

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