Spectacular Pictures and description of the Villa Valentino, in the Hollywood Hills, 1940

Tom Lyle Williams and Emery Shaver at the Villa Valentino

The white house is a beautiful contrast to the various vivid colors all around the house. The swimming pool is grand! And has all colors in lounge chairs, pillows, tile with lots of colors and varieties of colors in flowers.

My dad, Bill Williams at the pool with his uncle TL Williams

Then came the house. Everything is lovely. After seeing his movie pictures, we had some idea of the layout of the gardens and the house, but not one part in the pictures was as lovely as the actual gardens and home. The whine house is a beautiful contrast to the various vivid colors all around the house. The swimming pool is grand and has all colors in lounge chairs, pillows, tile with lots of colors and varieties of colors in flowers.

Next came the interior of Villa Valentino. You enter the house from the drive on the second floor. George's bedroom and bath are just off the beautiful little patio as you enter the front door. The two bedrooms upstairs, one for Emery and one for Tom Lyle, are furnished beautifully. Emery has a pretty bathroom adjoining his bedroom, but Tom Lyle's bathroom is the most beautiful I have seen, equipped with every imaginable convenience. From the hall upstairs you descend to the library with the dining room to the right of the library, down three steps.

Maybelline founder Tom Lyle Williams at entry to Villa Valentino

The carpeting on the stairs and in the library is almost an American Beauty shade of red. The banister is white wrought iron. The chairs in the library are light wood with light blue upholstering. Magazine rack and tables are hand carved and white. The desk is right by the window in the library, with a large white chair in front of the desk for Tom Lyle while he dictates. The linoleum on the dining room floor is a light blue and the furniture is light wood, modern in design. The wall opposite the large bay window is mirrored, so you can sit facing the window getting a beautiful view of the valley, garden and homes, and you can sit facing the mirror and get the same view reflected in the mirrors. The kitchen is small, compact, orderly and all done in red and white. The small bedroom next to the kitchen is a single bedroom with bath intended for a guest room, but used by Herbert, the cook. The living room is quite large, has a large bay window and a big door opening on the badminton court and gardens.

Emery Shaver and Tom Lyle Williams at the Villa Valentino 

The rug is the same as Tom Lyle had at Wabash Avenue, light rose in color. The grand piano takes one corner. The opposite corner has a Capehart radio and record playing combination. This piece of furniture is very light wood. The radio can be controlled or regulated from two or three different spots in the house and garden. One couch is a light tan with red design. In the by are two beautiful easy chairs with table, lamp and coffee table. To the side of the fireplace is a Duncan Pfyfe loveseat in light blue, with a beautiful coffee table in clear glass. The coffee table in front in front of the other couch is ebony wood with a gold mirror top.

Badminton Court
The drapes in the living room and library are gold, and such beautiful material. They are hung so well that they look like spun glass. In the corner of the living room is a very small door opening into the Rumpus Room. The Rumpus Room is one of the most attractive rooms I have ever seen, and certainly the cutest bar. The decorations are all South Sea Island, with grass rug, wicker furniture and even tall stools to sit at the bar. The room is also equipped with a bathroom. Every night before dinner, we went to the Rumpus Room. George came in dressed in white coat to mix us a cocktail.

Tom Lyle Williams at the Villa Valentino with his 1940 custom Packard Victoria

After our tour, Annette and I had time to unpack and rest before dinner. After dinner the round of entertainment started. First, we went to the theatre to see Victor Herbert's “The Red Hill”. Very good and the tunes were catchy and enjoyable. From the show we went to a night club called “Bublichki Russian”. This club was all Russian both in decorations and music. Celebrated with several Vodka cocktails. Spent a couple of hours listening to the music and sipping our drinks. Got to bed around three, and did we sleep.

Taken from Tom Lyle Williams niece, Jane Allen while visiting the Villa Valentino with her cousin Annette Williams

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