The original MAD MEN... came out of the Maybelline Co.,

My great uncle Tom Lyle Williams coined the word ULTRA LASH and brought out the first tube of Maybelline with a Duo-Taper brush, in 1964.  
It was all about advertising and Tom Lyle, was an advertising genius. This is also the era, when AMC's TV show, giant, Don Draper, of Mad Men, ruled the
advertising industry on the East Coast.

TV Show, Mad Men's, Don Draper, 1964.

                                        Season Five, cast of Mad Men.

While the Advertising industry was manipulating the
All American image, I was a Junior, at Culver City, High School... totally involved with my girls club,
SAFFRONS, in 1964. 

I became very popular, having a blue and white,
1957 Chevrolet Belair 4 dr Sedan, Hot Rod, Muscle car,

and a house with a swimming pool. 

My best friend Pearl Peskin and I were what you called Beach Bunnies, when Surfers Ruled the West Coast Beaches, in the 1965.  You could see us cruising down to Playa Del Rey, in my 57 Belair, with a car full of Saffrons... cruising for parties on the weekends... or spending 2 hours... everyday... to look model perfect.
I never went in the ocean... just basked in the sun, all day long, while adjusting my tan line.

So that's what I was doing, in 1964 and 65, while my great uncle, Tom Lyle Williams, was creating beautiful Maybelline advertisements... that brought teenage girl's, like me,  into the dime stores to buy ULTRA LASH...

Watch Mad Men this Sunday on AMC at 9:00 EST.  And... pick up a copy of my book, The Maybelline Story, if you're curious to know more about my life in the 1960's.

Also, tomorrow my cousin Chuck Williams, aka, BB1 and my sister Donna and I will be at last visiting our great uncle, Tom Lyle Williams, 1940, Packard Victoria, so stay tuned this weekend for fun pictures and videos.

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