Guest Blogger Joy Haskell tried them all but is happy to get back to Maybelline.

Maybe it’s Maybelline”. Sometimes it’s good to get back to your roots. I was recently on twitter and I started reading some of Sharrie Williams tweets. Sharrie is the grandniece of Tom Lyle Williams, who is the founder of Maybelline. It was perfect timing as I needed a change in my makeup.

 I purchased Maybelline’s Black Mega Plush Volum’ Express Mascara. It did exactly what it was suppose to – give me volume and length to my eyelashes. The Mega Plush Volum’ Express did not smudge or run. 
My eyes tend to water easy and it was nice not to have black streaks under my eyes; as with other mascara’s. It also did not clump together, which then causes my thin eyelashes to “cake” together and when I try to separate them they either fall out or it turns into one big clumpy lash.
Sorry, L’Oreal but I have tried all of your mascara’s and have to say my lashes and your mascara’s do not get along.
I also purchased Maybelline Dream Fresh BB 8-in-1 Beauty Balm Skin Perfector Medium Sheer. Who has 8-in-1 Beauty Balm that doesn’t make your skin oily or worse break out? Maybelline. When I say my skin is sensitive; let me paint a picture for you. The moisturizer I use is medical grade as I have tried just about all of them. If my skin has the slightest change in makeup I break out or I get red and blotchy. Needless to say I had a lot of drama/trauma in my teen years when it came to makeup. Back to the story, I was hesitant but thought I would give it a shot.
 Insert angelic music here... it worked. I did not break out and I even tried it without my moisturizer with no break out or blotchiness. I did not get oily or shiny. I can wear it with or without powder and I feel confident. I said sometime’s it’s good to get back to your roots. When I was a teenager I used Maybelline. When I “grew up” I started using other brands like Mac, LancĂ´me, etc. Who wants to pay $40 for Mascara every month? I don’t.  I’m tired of paying $48 for my Primer that I still have to wear with a powder.
I paid less than $20 for both products and am
 It paid off for me to get back to my roots.

By Joy Haskell
Twitter: @ishouldread

Joy thank you for writing a great post for the Maybelline Book Blog.  I think you need to get your Blog going again because you have a cute style and express your words with humor and originality.

I hope you buy my book and do a review for me and be sure to click on:Live From the Runway where Maybelline New York is sponsoring Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. Oh and please keep trying more products and let me know what you think.  

                        But remember it all started in 1915 with.....

                                          Tom Lyle Williams!!!

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