VINTAGE HOLLYWOOD MAKE UP...1938 Maybelline ad featuring The Good Housekeeping Stamp of Approval

The Good Housekeeping Stamp of Approval guaranteed  Maybelline was as pure as a mother's Love.

By 1938 Maybelline targeted a new market of women - or should I say girls - who had  grown up seeing the little red Maybelline box on their mothers dressing room table.

"If Mother uses Maybelline it must be pure and I can trust it." echoed the young voice of the day,  and with Good Housekeeping deeming it harmless, tear-proof and non-smearing, any sweet sixteen could carry it in her purse without looking improper or worse, "cheap."  

This might seem silly by today's standards, but in 1917 trying to convince a young girl to darken her eyelashes and eyebrows with Maybelline was nearly impossible.  Only prostitutes and actresses dare be seen in public with made up eyes, but by the late 1930's, a new generation of women changed all that.  

Maybelline was the first eye cosmetic company to have The Good Housekeeping Stamp of Approval and Tom Lyle Williams, marked the occasion by introducing Maybelline in a beautiful new red and gold metal case that was crush proof in a young girls purse. 

A true mastermind, Tom Lyle Williams constantly  inspired women to be more beautiful and thus more confident.  In this ad he coined the word, Maybelline Mascara for the first time.  Up until 1938, it had been known as Maybelline Eye Beautifier. 

Read more about the King of Advertising, Tom Lyle Williams and his family in...
The Maybelline Story and the Spirited Family Dynasty Behind It.


Dear Sharrie Williams:   I want to thank you very much for all the years of Maybelline Cosmetics products make every women on the planet beautiful and confident! I will look forward in reading the Maybelline Story book!!!    99% of the makeup, I use is Maybelline cosmetics, including: eye shadows  eyeliners, mascaras, lipsticks, lip glosses, foundations, face powders and makeup and eye makeup removers.    Sincerely yours, Stephanie Lee

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