Known as "The Entertainer's Entertainer,"Country Western Star, Karen Wheeler remember's the day Miss Maybelline Perished

I received this comment from Country Western singer, Karen Wheeler recently and it actually brought me to tears.  She was booked to perform at my grandmother's Palace Dinner Theatre the day "Miss Maybelline" was mysteriously killed.  I would love to talk to Karen and hope she will see this and contact me.  The details of this tragedy are spelled out in The Maybelline Story and it would be my pleasure to send a signed copy of my book to her.

I was booked into the "Palace Dinner Theatre" March 2, 1978. I was supposed to follow Conway Twitty. There was a 3:00 rehearsal and during rehearsal they rushed in to tell us about the Maybelline Manor burning and Mrs. Williams was killed. I was suppose to stay at the Maybelline Manor but when they picked me up at the airport they diverted me to the Rosemont Hotel.

 Karen Wheeler.

On the other side of Conway Twitty's article was an ad announcing Karen Wheeler playing at the Palace.  The paper came out March 2, 1978, hours before Miss Maybelline parished.

Read the whole story in "The Maybelline Story."  Buy a signed copy from the author, Miss Maybelline's granddaughter, Sharrie Williams

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