Please turn to page 87 - read my Column in Canada's Outstanding, Glamorous, NICHE Magazine, featuring Super Model, Kate Moss, in the Inspiration issue.
Maybelline founder, Tom Lyle Williams, niece's Annette Williams and Jane Allen visited the Villa Valentino in June of 1940, and Jane kept a diary of their unbelievable adventures. Here is a portion of the diary I posted in my Maybelline Memories column for NICHE magazine. Open the magazine to see my lovely article in print.
Saturday, June 15, 1940.
Slept until noon as usual. Decided to go to the Hollywood Turf Club and the races. We spent a long time looking for the track. When we finally there the second race had been run. Started losing our money. Arnold and Annette were luckier then the rest of us, winning a small amount. Tom Lyle and I didn't do so well. Of course, he lost more than I did. Tom Lyle bet $10.00 on a horse named Woof Woof, because the name reminded him of himself. It was great fun watching the horses run and I do believe the park was the most beautiful race track I have ever seen. All the buildings are new and modern. Saw Ray Milland, Eugene Palette and Den Carpenter. We drove back home in time for dinner. After dinner we saw “Meet The People,” This is one of the cleverest reviews I have ever attended. The impersonations, especially the one of Katherine Hepburn and the ones of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt were good. After the show we went t Sardi's for a drink. Played cards after we got home. Just don't seem to go to bed early at all. Emery has had very little time to spare,but is usually home when we get in, so we either talk a while or play a game of cards.
Sunday June 16, 1940
George took Annette and me to Church, as Tom Lyle had a cold and didn't feel so well. After Church, Emery, Arnold, Annette and I had breakfast. Tom Lyle hadn't come down, so we let him rest. Annette, Arnold and I took a walk over to the Hollywood Bowl, a short distance from the Villa Valentino. The Bowl is set in the mountains. Quite a climb, but we were glad to see it and all the scenery around. Concerts, Operas, etc. are held here.
Tom Lyle was up when we returned, so we picked up Evelyn and took a ride to see the ocean and and on to Malibu Beach. On the way we stopped to see the Japanese Gardens. The flowers were perfectly beautiful and such an array of color. The ride out was grand and the scenery is indescribable it is so wonderful. I expected to see miles and miles of sand before we finally reached the beaches, but the mountains run almost to the waters edge. The drive follows the ocean with mountains on the other side. All along the ocean are brach homes, many belonging to movie people. Marion Davies has what you would almost consider a mansion with large servants homes. Tom Lyle showed us the two beach homes he occupied while at Malibu.
After seeing the scenery we went over to the Malibu Inn for a bit to eat. We saw John Howard on the way to the Inn. Funny thing happened. We girls started to the rest room, had just gotten inside when Tom Lyle came to the door calling my name. We couldn't imagine what had happened, but discovered we had entered the wrong room and we ere in the men's room. We were embarrassed and boy did everyone in the place roar, including John Howard. We saw John Carroll on the drive back, after chasing him for miles trying to figure out just whom he was. We rode up to the top of the mountain to get a view of the Hollywood city lights at night. Looked like a million little stars from such height and the moon overhead was almost full. Such scenery I have never seen. Had time for a game of cards when we got back to the Villa Valentino.

Imagine driving around Hollywood in in Tom Lyle Williams, 1940 Packard Victoria.
- NICHE magazine (5)
- NICHE magazine Fall 2013 (1)
- NICHE Magazine Holiday issue 2013(1)
- NICHE magazine Inspiration issue (1)
- Niche magazine Winter 2014 (1)
Be sure to visit my Hilarious 1964 High School Diary Blog,
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