1930's Maybelline ad painted by Zoë Mozert, the most famous female pin-up artist of her day

1930's Maybelline ad painted by Pin-Up artistZoe Mozart.

Zoe Mozart painted hundreds of magazine covers and movie posters during her career. Mozert frequently was her own model, using cameras or mirrors to capture the pose. Her paintings are best known for their pastel style and realistic depiction of women.


Daniel Vancas, pinup and glamour artist, art restorer, art publisher of 25 years. Paints in the style of Elvgren Vargas, Moral and Zoe Mozart.Vancas is an artist for commission work in his field of expertise.  He also owns branding and (c) on over 100 pinup and glamour art images. He has a large art archive of works as well.  Vancascan be commissioned for new works, or licensed existing works. He also have several other artist and photographers with whom he has working contracts and they often work together on projects. 

Daniel Vancas web site http://www.vanguard-gallery.com 
Jean Harlow painted by Zoe Mozert between 1933-1936
Zoe Mozert painting a Pin-Up Model in the 1940's.

Zoe Mozert Painting a reflection of herself in the mirror.

Zoe Mozert being painted in the nude by artist Ed Moran
Jane Russell in The OutlawPoster painted by Zoe Mozert.

Zoe Mozert's Maybelline ad would appear in a Movie magazine like this.....painted by the artist.

Past posts I've done featuring Zoe Mozert.  http://www.maybellinebook.com/search/label/Zoe%20Moezert

Perry Como singing "So I Love You So." featuring Pin-Up Girls painted by Zoe Mozert.

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