How Maybelline changed the cosmetic industry

Make-up is as old as the first civilizations. From the beginning of time, people loved to alter their appearance by putting various mixtures on their face. This is something that lasted and persisted through centuries. It is within our nature to try and improve the way we look. It gives us a necessary confidence and makes us more attractive to opposite sex. Today, it is an unavoidable part of our culture and important aspect of every woman’s life.

“Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline”

Chicago from 1915
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The real cosmetic revolution started at the turn of 19th century. First beauty salons opened their doors to customers and the first franchises started appearing all over the USA. Almost at the same time, in 1915, Tom Lyle Williams from Chicago made his first mascara. His sister Mabel gave him an idea to make this product, so in her honor, when he started selling his products; he named the newly founded company Maybelline. Williams created the first, modern mascara in 1917 and named it Maybelline Care Mascara.

During the years, company was sold and resold to many entrepreneurs. It changed its headquarters a few time, finally settling in Brooklyn, New York. Today, it is a part of giganticconglomerate L’Oreal from Paris, France, which bought it off in 1996. This made Maybelline a global, recognizable trade mark, sold all over the world. Nowadays, similarly to many other cosmetic products, you can even find it in American and Canadian drugstores. Onereputable Canadian pharmacy in Winnipeg, is You! Drugstore. 

The companies such as Maybelline were pioneers of this beauty revolution. Back in the day, it was a first, real cosmetic company and it made many entrepreneurs try their luck in this field. It made our lives prettier and nicer. This is an important aspect of every woman’s life and it brings joy to many of them. As the industry progresses, we still need to see what kind of new products are we going to use in future. Hopefully, the firms will be similar like Maybelline, providing us the best that money can buy.

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